U, Me and Don Bosco

The youth of today are engaged in all walks of life and are vacillating from one work to another, finding no fulfillment in one. A Majority of this age group implies a good future of the nation. Largely, because they are full of energy and are alive with a young spirit, ready to do something new. At the same time, this age group also faces a lot of challenges, exploitation and more especially are contracted with various vices. Though their material need is being attended, their spiritual need is still unnoticed. These youth of today form the “U”
In Turin, when the need arose to eradicate the problems of youth who were ending up in prison, God sent Don Bosco to take care of these youth. Likewise to tackle the problems of today’s youth, namely, the danger of being misguided and falling into bad company, God is continuously sending his help. We (sons of Don Bosco) the servants of the young are a part of this divine help given to the youth of today. We form the “Me”.
Without us knowing, “Don Bosco “is there assisting and guiding us in our journey. His continual presence in our apostolate enhances us to carry out the mission with the same spirit as that of Don Bosco. The Article 26 of our Constitutions (the young to whom we are sent) in this regard, continuously reaffirms of our preference to the youth, especially to the poor and the abandoned.

We, the servants of young are accomplishing answering the dire needs of today’s youth , especially of their spiritual need. Finally, the sustenance of all our works intrinsically depends on the grace of God . Let us continue our good works with the spirit of Don Bosco and save much young soul for God .


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