To know...

To know who you are, check you ID card…
To know what you have to do next, ask your parents…
To know why you are here, shh…. It’s a secret
It will unfold slowly…

    All through life, our common sentiments are “to know”. Even after accumulating the best of knowledge our desire never reaches its fruition. We pass our day with full enthusiasm, experiencing all the joys and sorrows it holds. After all this, the lucky few will question- “Why am I here?”- questioning the purpose of one’s life here on earth. It might sound too silly and an easy one to answer. The courageous would surely answer with complex explanations and examples, which would not suffice them completely.
     The answer lies not with the wise but with the innocent. A child would be better off and fresh to answer this question, if it were rephrased as “Why did God create you?” With a glimmering smile, the child would answer- “to know God, to love him and to serve him.”
    Ah… I knew it. This might even draw us back to our imageries of our own childhood catechism classes. Those years of receiving knowledge as it was given, were our happy days. With growth in age, our questions overpowered our knowledge. Consequently our previous knowledge was compromised as unaccountable. Perhaps, we need to orient ourselves as a child and realize that our mission here on earth is to know God, to love him and to serve him.

    But how? We get to know God throughout our life, love him through our family members and serve him through our neighbors. This is our consecration and all of us are called to live it. God sent his son Jesus to be a radical witness to this consecration. So also, we, religious following the footsteps of Christ are called to be witnesses to this consecration. Hand in hand, all of us are  to live our consecrated life in communion, thereby spreading the hallmark of one’s purpose here on earth i.e. to know God, to love him and to serve him.


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