Salesian Creativity
Our present world is fraught with a lot of creativity and innovation in all sectors. Creativity gets one closer to success because of its newness and difference, whether it is a product, film, campaign, profession, organization, etc. It is not limited to any specific sector but has an impact on all walks of life. Using creativity doesn’t mean a total reformation of a sector but rather a different approach, with the same foundational principles in action. Though the application of creativity in a product, campaign, film, etc. might easily attract the younger generation, it will not have the same effect on the elders. Its effectiveness along with creativity is necessary for it to attract all the age groups. This is very evident with the social media sites which have attracted all the age groups in the virtual sharing of facts, incidents and much more. Further, creativity implies a renewal of one’s roots and this brings newness in that sector. Therefore creativity is a necessity in this...